Logitech G Challenge Delivers Thrilling Grand Final as Gillissen Takes Chequered Flag

Isaac Gillissen is living his dream. He is a 19-year-old Dutch guy, studying aeronautical engineering and mad about sim racing and Formula 1. Where the two meet is the Logitech G Challenge for eracers. Isaac has won the Grand Final, held 16 November in Las Vegas. Like a real Formula 1 driver, he was presented on the day with a mega-sized trophy, which EFX designed and manufactured along with engraved medals for all the finalists. Similarly like Formula 1, winning may be life-changing for Isaac as it also means qualifying for the McLaren Shadow Finals and the chance to win a position on the McLaren DNA driver development programme.
All pretty awesome for a guy who plays sim games! More than 22,000 edrivers entered the global Logitech G Challenge, with the first heats held back in May 2019. Logitech is renowned for its level of innovation and realism in PC and console gaming gear, everything from keyboards to pedals, wheels to flight sticks. The G Challenge Grand Finals involved 8 races of 10 laps each, playing Project CARS 2 and using Logitech gear.
Engraved medals and acrylic G Challenge 2019 trophy
Isaac “VP Isaac21” Gillissen took the top spot on the podium, Elvin “THR Wolf” Smith from Scotland was second and Christian “THR operator USA” Wiggins from the USA was third. The winning trophy encapsulates this virtual reality world of racing. It was constructed with traditional design elements of a real trophy, including two handles and decorative gold embellishment. However, not everything is as it seems – the trophy is manufactured out of 20mm thick acrylic and is mounted on a polished nickel plated aluminium plinth. All eight finalists were presented with engraved medals, manufactured by EFX from polished nickel plated aluminium, complete with white ribbons.
“We are honored to have EFX as an official partner with a design to impart the look, feel, and prestige of our most prominent G Challenge event,” said Vincent Borel, general manager of simulation at Logitech. “This is a historic partnership that speaks to the impact G Challenge and eRacing has had on the industry over the past three seasons.”
So, watch out for the name of Isaac Gillissen in the world of motor racing. The McLaren Esports Shadow Project is all about exploring the transfer of skills from gaming to real racing and what that can bring to performance on the track. We wish Isaac the best of luck in the finals.