InStyle Announces Best Beauty Buys for 2017

Whether you are enjoying the warming rays of our British summer this year or holidaying abroad, the experts tell us that sunscreen should be part of our daily skincare. But, there is such as choice and it is difficult to know which one to buy. Thankfully, the winners of The InStyle UK Best Beauty Awards 2017 were announced 13th June, at the Berkeley Hotel. The 2017 categories include Best Inexpensive Suncare Line and Best Sun Haircare Range, plus Best Instant Tan should you prefer the look without the rays and, just in case, Best Anti-Ageing Cream. From nails to hair dryers, fragrance to skincare, the 100 plus judges have selected their list of the best in the 2017 marketplace.
The global beauty industry turned out in force for the event, which was organised by InStyle. Judges and guests alike were a walking advert for the industry’s greatest products. Glowing skin, immaculate make-up and inspirational hair was order of the day…and doughnuts. A wall of specially iced doughnuts greeted guests, each sporting prestigious brand names of the industry. How tempting!
A spectacular line-up: 143 acrylic awards
Special EFX was commissioned to design and manufacture the multitude of Best Beauty Buys winners’ plaques. Manufactured in dazzlingly clear, laminated acrylic, the delicate rose hue of the background created a delicate backdrop to the graphics, which were reverse printed. A spokesperson for InStyle commented:“As our go-to awards supplier, as always, we were impressed with EFX service and speed. With 143 awards to deliver this order was no mean feat; the end result, especially when all the trophies were lined up, was truly spectacular.”