An Inspiring Week Of Sport For Spinal Injury Patients

Defying the odds, the Inter Spinal Unit Games braved the weather this September for their 35thannual sports event. The games were created by WheelPower, the national charity for wheelchair sport, to help people who are rebuilding their lives following a recent spinal cord injury. Each year, up to 100 recently disabled patients and support staff (including nurses, physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists) from the 13 Spinal Units across the United Kingdom and Ireland attend. This year’s games at Stoke Mandeville Stadium went incredibly well, and were a lot of fun according to attendees, with 79 participants in the Games this year.
The Games are an essential part of patients’ rehabilitation, providing opportunities for participants to discover the tremendous benefits of playing sport and leading a healthy, active lifestyle. Helping to prevent illness and make everyday tasks (like transferring into a car) easier. Everyone involved is encouraged to try a wide variety of activities which include swimming, archery, bowls, rugby, athletics, fencing, basketball and tennis. They all receive coaching and demonstrations from qualified coaches and current athletes in 20 different sports.
Through a week of sporting excitement, participants see what can be achieved post spinal surgery, both in terms of sport and how it can help them lead a more independent life.
Participants also meet people in similar situations, their quality of life is enhanced and they often feel less isolated and more able to cope with their own situation. This unique event is often a participant’s first experience of life outside a hospital environment since their injury and it can help provide a pathway to return to the life they had before.
In Honour Of
Each participant represented their spinal units and competed for the Jean Stone Trophy awarded to the winning unit. The main trophy was named in honour of their much loved Trustee, Jean Stone, who was one of the founders of the Games and passed away in 2019. “Jean was involved in wheelchair and Paralympic sport for over 50 years and contributed immensely to providing opportunities for people with spinal injuries to playing and enjoying sport. This year the team from Stanmore won – it was the first time they have ever won!” – said Paul Rushton, from WheelPower.
They also award trophies for the spinal unit which has demonstrated the most Team Spirit, Sportsmanship and Endeavour, and for Outstanding Individual Achievement and Effort. There are also a number of trophies for winning each sports competition. For their variety of trophies, EFX used a mix of printed recycled acrylic, engraved nickel plated aluminium and an engraved polished stainless steel plate on high shine trophy cup for the Jean Stone MBE Trophy.
The client had this to say about their experience of working with EFX & their awards – “We have worked with EFX for many years and have always been impressed with the range of products available and delighted with their speedy and efficient service.”
If you want to find out more about their work with disabled people, then click here