85 EVCOM Live Awards Later the Events Industry Hit the Dance Floor

It must be extremely satisfying as an event organiser when over 500 pay to attend your organisation’s annual Awards dinner. The EVCOM Live Awards celebrated the best of the events industry at Olympia, 20th November and the industry turned out in force to support the event. Perhaps, the anticipation of comedian Hal Cruttenden as host and the reputation of the RJP Band as being the best party band encouraged the industry to indulge in Christmas celebrations. However, the awards themselves were the highlight of the evening and many were there to share their deserved moment of glory and enjoy the accolades.
Special EFX designed and manufactured a series of plaques for the occasion; different metal finishes denoted the level of award. All featured a stylish black silhouette, screen printed in black, and engraved winners’ details. Kasia Moleda, one of the organisers, was delighted with the trophies: “We were very pleased with the plaques, they look very classy. Carla worked to a very tight deadline so we were even more impressed when we checked through the 85 wall plaques on the day and found them all present and correct!”
JWT Live won five EVCOM Live gold awards and two silver, earning the Group the coveted platinum award and a night to remember!